Eugene Cossich using a laptop computer

Thank You Just Doesn’t Describe It

Access to and the ability to utilize technology is one of the most challenging hurdles Parole Project clients face as they make the transition from prison to a contributing member of society. Thanks to generosity of Parole Project friend and donor, Nikhil Seth, there is now the beginnings of a computer lab located inside the Parole Project offices. With several new laptops and a printer at their disposal clients, like Eugene Cossich, pictured here working on a job application, will have increased access to the learn the computer skills they need for job searches, creating resumes and accessing online services.  

Recent Articles

Parole Project Honors Lancaster and Reilly

On February 20, our organization hosted the inaugural Parole Project Honors and Redemption Social at L’Auberge Casino. Guests came together to celebrate second chances and recognize two individuals whose