Success Stories


Darryl was sentenced to life without parole at the age of 19. After 41 years in prison, he was granted clemency and released in July 2022 after a successful parole hearing. Now, Darryl’s life story is one of redemption, hard work, and the power of second chances.

Since his release, Darryl has found purpose and employment as an HVAC specialist at ACA Mechanical in Alexandria. He started the job shortly after completing Phase 1 of Parole Project’s reentry program and it has become more than just a way to make a living. Each day Darryl brings a strong work ethic and a unique perspective shaped by his time in prison.

“Like anybody else returning from prison, I wanted an opportunity to support myself,” Darryl said. He is grateful that his employer took a chance on him. “They didn’t just tell me they couldn’t hire me because I was in prison.”

With the support of Parole Project and his colleagues, Darryl is successfully navigating the challenges of reentry. His role at ACA Mechanical has provided him with both stability and a sense of belonging. “They’ve treated me like anyone else,” he said, “with courtesy and respect as a professional.”

Adjusting to life outside after 41 years was daunting. Darryl faced obstacles that others might take for granted. Simple tasks, like using modern technology or fitting socially into a new workplace were all new to him. Yet, he approached each challenge with determination. “Family, friends, and Parole Project helped me tremendously,” he said. “I adjusted to the changes in society because of their efforts and patience.” 

In 2023, just a year after starting at ACA Mechanical, Darryl was promoted. This was more than a professional milestone — it was a personal victory. “It’s rewarding to be part of a team,” Darryl said. “There’s no task that isn’t worth doing well.” 

Darryl exemplifies hope and perseverance and that it’s never too late to start over. Today, he is proving that second chance successes are society’s successes.

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If you’ve ever been to the Angola Rodeo you’ve probably taken a stroll through the hobbycraft area and found yourself surrounded by


Dave worked 41 years for the opportunity to walk out of Angola’s gates. In August 2022, he did just that,


When Idosia entered prison in 1998 with no end in sight, she could have shut down, given up, and let