Meet Our Newest Clients | August 2024

After 26 years in prison, Carl received his second chance. We were there to welcome him home and put his reentry plan into action.
Curtis was incarcerated for 49 years before he received his second chance. We are committed to helping him rebuild his life after nearly five decades of incarceration.
Lester spent 28 years in prison before getting his second chance. Lester is most excited about being reunited with his wife of more than 30 years whose support guided him toward today.
Creighton was sentenced to life in prison in 2001. Over the course of his 23-year-long incarceration, he overcame addiction and helped others do the same. Creighton is eager to start working soon, using skills he learned while in prison.
Wayne spent almost two thirds of his life in prison. Nearly four decades later, the now 64-year-old is rebuilding his life with Parole Project's help. “it’s been a long journey," he said, "but I’m glad I kept walking by faith.”
After 26 years in prison Lehman earned his second chance. While incarcerated, he developed a passion for carpentry. He spent more than 20 years building his woodworking skillset for a future he always hoped would come. Now he is looking forward to using those skills to build a career.
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Meet Our Newest Clients | August 2024

CarlAfter 26 years in prison, Carl received his second chance. We were there to welcome him home and put his reentry plan into action.CurtisCurtis was

Parole Project Hosts Mandela Fellows

A group from the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders visited Parole Project in July as part of the U.S. government’s Young African Leaders