Photograph of Parole Project client, Terrance

Meet Our Newest Clients | July 2021

After two decades in prison, Jadaw received his second chance. A mentor to younger prisoners during his incarceration, he is already employed and is making a positive impact in his new community
At 18, Alisha was given a sentence that would have kept her in prison for most of her life. She received her second chance at an age where she will have the opportunity to build a career and start her own family
On June 25th we brought Alex home after 46 years in prison. Today he is gainfully employed and can use a smart phone 
When Terrance was 17, he received a life without parole sentence. After 27 years in prison, he received his second chance. Another example that children are not disposable
Willie was 17 when he was given a life without parole sentence. After 28 years in prison, he received his second chance. He is looking forward to using his trades skills to build his new life

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CarlAfter 26 years in prison, Carl received his second chance. We were there to welcome him home and put his reentry plan into action.CurtisCurtis was

Parole Project Hosts Mandela Fellows

A group from the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders visited Parole Project in July as part of the U.S. government’s Young African Leaders