Meet Kelly Garrett: Parole Project’s New Deputy Director for Client Services

Parole Project is pleased to announce that Kelly Garrett has joined our staff as Deputy Director for Client Services. This is a new position was created in response to our continued growth and will improve the overall quality of client programming and services. Parole Project is constantly looking forward and seeking to develop new and better ways of providing advocacy and reentry services for deserving men and women who have served long prison sentences. The addition of Kelly is a significant step in that direction.

“We are excited to have Kelly join Parole Project,” said Executive Director Andrew Hundley. “She brings experience, fresh ideas, and a passion for our work. Kelly will be a great asset to the team.”

As an advocate for Louisiana criminal justice reform and restorative justice, she has collaborated with numerous state and local community organizations and policy leaders. Kelly’s commitment to reform and restorative justice stems from her experiences working with formerly incarcerated people and their families.

“I am looking forward to working hand-in-hand with returning citizens and helping them as they transition back into their communities,” said Kelly. “I am elated to be a part of the Parole Project and help enhance client services so that person can reach their full potential.”

Prior to joining Parole Project, Kelly was a Policy Coordinator with VOTE (Voice of the Experienced) where she advocated for key legislation aimed at reducing Louisiana’s incarceration rate, removing barriers to reentry, and advocating for basic human and civil rights to current and formerly incarcerated persons. 

A graduate of LSU, Kelly has extensive corporate and business experience. She is excited to bring her skills and experiences to her new role, and looks forward to helping the many men and women reach their full potential after incarceration.  

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