Meet Our Newest Clients | November 2023

RANDOLPH spent 22 years in prison. During that time, he earned his high school equivalency degree and a vocational degree. Randolph is planning to use his story to help guide teens away from bad decisions.
After 31 years in prison, JONATHAN was granted parole after his life sentence was commuted by the governor. “I prayed for this day. I never gave up hope that I’d get a second chance.”
RICHARD, 60, was incarcerated for 40 years. For three of those four decades, he worked as a welder and plumber. "I appreciate all of the simple things that come with freedom," Richard said.
In 1996, STEPHANIE was sentenced to serve 60 years in prison. While incarcerated, she became a reentry mentor and helped other women prepare for freedom before gaining the same opportunity 27 years later.
At the age of 24, ROMALIS was given a 40 year sentence. During his two decades of incarceration, he became a skilled woodworker and mechanic. Romalis is eager to be reunited with his sister in New Orleans.
CLIFFORD was 21 when he was sentenced to 60 years in prison. After 23 years, he earned his second chance and is now looking forward to rebuilding his life with his fiancée.
After 23 years in prison, RAY received his second chance. “I’m focused on spending time with my family and being the best person I can be.”
CHARLES was given a life sentence 40 years ago. Now 72, he is thankful for his sisters, who supported him every step of the way.
After 30 years in prison, PAUL was granted parole after his life sentence was commuted by the governor. He is another example of the power of second chances.
DONALD was given a life sentence at the age of 18. More than three decades later, he is now a free man. "This 51-year-old is going to make that wild kid proud," Donald said.
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